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Message: AGM June 21

Toinv, great insight and questions.

Like you say, funding, where is fresh money found? 

Problem, need some help here, comments are welcome. 

RVX needs financial support, true and accepted.  Options, sell more shares? Maybe better just to liquidate, at current share price, it would have same effect. 

FIND A PARTNER, yes, but at what costs?

A partner will want greater control.  That is the price we pay, and this option may appear better.  What happens to Eversana?  Really need to see contract.  Why would new partner want to spend 400M and have Eversana receive the benefit of marketing?  A new partner will have all the resources available with a better ear toward FDA and a division specifically directed to FDA approval.   How can RVX compete?  I see purchase price a little less with Eversana in the game and BP purchasing.  Then there is Zenith.  Best to take out both.  Very complicated with four parties involved.  Would not want to be in the same room.

Benefit, partner will provide funds and direction necessary to receive full FDA approval with positive study.  Seems like a winner for RVX.  We do have FDA BTD which means ABL is safe.  Major benefit.

Only issue here, RVX is stuck in the mud.  Where is the BOD? 

This one shareholder who believes in science has lost confidence in the Board’s ability to manage.  If RVX has a vision that is attainable, where is IR?  Where can we find positive and truthful direction without promises?

One more message, a few months ago wrote $1 in May and $5 in December.  Well, I read “open” and thought of a weekly message coming from IR.  Sorry, did not have a clue.  Little did I know “open” was the acceptance of a patient receiving ABL.  Then why do we need to wait if a patients’ health returns?  Really do not understand silence when so many could benefit.  I do stick by my price, just need to wait for postive results and funding.  Funding may be a new replacement for liquidating. With any luck science will prevail.

Where do we find a partner?  -  Sidebar.

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