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Message: Q1- March 31, 2022 on SEDAR


with all due respect, how is "Eversana getting rich" ? They just spent 10MM(8.1 current liability and 1.9 deferred) of their $s to support the rollout of a Covid-19 therapy that is not yet marketable. They acted on Mr McCafferty's forward looking statements that Apabetalone and its dual mechanism would result in EUA in Canada and the US by mid 2022. Eversana is a business partner that made a contractual commitment to provide services unlike us unprotected shareholders and warrant holders. Obviously they put a lid and a time-frame on their commitment knowing well the business that they are in. After one-year we do not have FDA approval. Their commercialization efforts are up in smoke. Eversana is not going to watch the can get kicked down the road- ie., the IP pledged debenture and Hepalink. I am thankful we should finally get resolution on this debacle soon. The jig is up.



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