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Message: Q1- March 31, 2022 on SEDAR

 Koo ...


... "Jon try doing the math,... let's say at $400/ hour for 8 hrs a day x 5 days a week for 9 months. Tell me how many persons Eversana needs to put on the project to justify approx $10Mil. " ...

Just doing quick math and going with 4 weeks x 5 days per week in a month (20 full time 8 hour days /month at $400 /hr) ... times 9 months it would be roughly $576k per full time employee/consultant. That's a good gig.

So, $10m divided by $576k over those 9 months is roughly 17.36 head count at those previously "assumed" time and cost metrics.


The other question regarding how this is going to be paid?? ... considering the previous Ori and Hepa debenture examples, sure it is conceivable that Eversana could cut a deal for stock in lieu of payment. Only 2 reasons to do that, one it appears "worth" it, and two because RVX has no dough. Of course, Eversana knew RVX has no dough, so they were either expecting a payout after Covid P2 and EUA success, or they see enough reasons to be in it for the longer haul and more upside in stock rather than hoping to collect AR from RVX. I would see it as a good sign if they followed suit with Hepa and Ori in this regard and continued on full throttle with stock (long term commitment and results dependent) and some skin in the game. JMHO's though.

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