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Message: Q1- March 31, 2022 on SEDAR

KOO - The reason for the COVID trial and Eversana was because it was supposed to be quick and dirty at a low cost and go right into sales. APB was number 2 of 63 drugs screened from 20,000 drugs screened worldwide that had the best chance of making a positive impact for COVID patients. RVX did not have the money to do that small trial and was counting on some funds from the Canadian government according to one video presentation put out in 2020 or maybe it was 2021, my how time flies. RVXOT keeps very close tabs on what funds go into and out of the company and I haven't seen any comments about a grant from the feds coming in in the last couple of years. With that in mind I don't believe more than a handful of patients ever got recruited for this COVID trial so any results, early or otherwise won't mean a darn thing.

Toinv's recap of managements abilities kind of says it all. If the science wasn't as good as what I believe it to be I would be on my way but that carrot looks so big and juicy to walk away from. Someone is going to make a lot of money from this science, l am just hoping us retails are part of it.


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