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Message: Where's the kool aid gang?

Nextblockbuster, it is, as you know, a classic case study in every management course, usually dealing with corporate failure. Sad.

A couple of quotes from Einstein apply;

  1. Three great forces the world - stupidity, fear and greed.
  2. More the knowledge, lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge more the ego.

I fear you are right in your perceptions of Don even though I don't know him. It is very tough when you have been "in the club" working on solving big science challenges for 21 years. This would be very exciting working with bright scientsts on a breakthrough. You get to rub elbows with very bright scientists, politians and business people. Don emphasized in one of his presentations that the team was working hard, very positive and enthused. That is a good signal...good news for sure.

However, the obvious inability to be able to finance such a valuable asset needs to be resolved one way or another. If they limp along and under power BoM2 it could be another 5 years after that trial before apabetalone sees the light of day.

Unless Don pulls a rabbit out of his hat I think his days are numbered within the next 3 to 5 years. It only took Eversana 10 month to tune to Don's BS and they have drawn a line in the sand with financial pressure. I think in another 2 years maximum ORI Capital will begin to get suspicious, so even with this dead beat board, they may force Don to bring in a CEO. It will take time.

My guess is that the rabit will be little and allow RVX to lurch forward once again and will live in mushroom management and strain as the debenture deadline once again rears it's ugly head next May.

In  some strange romantic way I sort of like the fact that the other club members are not pushing Don in front of the bus yet. Emotions almost always trump logic. However we are at a stage where a bit of tough love is required. If the other club members really cared about and respected Don they would find a face saving way to nudge him toward the door and still feel like he is in the club.

However, this assumes that the other club members are even aware that there are problems in financing. They me be very happy as is???

It is what it is for now.

I'm off to the dock to enjoy my long weekend. I might even dive in.




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