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Message: AGM attendance

Reading this as no great news to report.

Too bad. Stopping a study early could have meant good news, or not. But it seems that if the news had been really good the posture now woud have been different too.

Still hoping to be proven wrong about this, of course.

Don has his good qualities and has made real contributions. That said, part of the art of good leadership is recognizing where one's weaknesses are, and finding a way to fill in for those.

In Don's case, this seems to be presenting science to a scientific or even marginally scientific crowd. He is not a bad speaker in general. He is both organized and concise. He has that folksy thing, which also works. But there are too many spoken "typos" when it comes to the  science. Those can get in the way of being taken serously by certain audiences. Which in turn can make it hard to make a big sale to them.

I don't know that we can blame all of this on Don, though. He received and followed advice on the study designs. He clearly did not design them himself   He did not have the strong financial cushions that pharma has to be able to wait through several long studies to better understand and better sell something. He may have carried this thing about as far as the results could be carried.

I coud be wrong but it seems like RVX did go far as proof of concept; it was a great spokes-drug for the promise of BET inhibition, but has both lost its lead and been overtaken by other compounds for many saleable indications.

I am still holding, but at this point i it is probably just sentimental and stupid bag-holding. I don't really expect anything great from this company anymore.

Feel a bit bad saying this, because IF i were an investor deciding whether or not to buy in and came across this board, i would think twice and probably not opt to invest. And now i am doing/saying the same thing that i worried about others doing...shooting ourselves in the foot.

Here's hoping this rant is all wrong.

Goodness knows there are many potential uses still, including CHF. Let's hope RVX gets a real day in the sun, still.

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