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Message: Re: Question re BOD votes
Jun 25, 2022 11:39AM
Jun 25, 2022 12:29PM
Jun 25, 2022 04:25PM
Jun 26, 2022 01:12PM

Toinv, it is pretty funny in a ridiculous kind of way that the quotes you posted come from the filings of a company that is as badly run as RVX. I don't know how management or the BoD can personally square those statements with the total disregard for accuracy when it comes to information delivered to shareholders. 

Fuzzy, I agree that it is a positive that Don is spending his own money on shares at this level. If I had any faith in or respect for his judgement I would probably be buying a lot more shares here, the science has been independently verified to be worth significantly more than the market cap at these levels. The big question is can management deliver anything that is close to worthy of the science?  So far they have not done so.

It would be nice to know a few more details around the covid trial. Don likely knows how many patients were actually enrolled in the first covid trial, was it 4 or 40?  Anecdotally how successful was Apabetalone on those patients?  These are both questions that could materially inform an investment decision. It does seem wrong that Don can invest at these levels knowing those answers when the company tells us that that information can't be shared because it might jeopardize publication. It would also be nice to know, as Don would, what the potential financial opportunities are. 

Jun 27, 2022 10:49AM
Jun 27, 2022 11:45AM
Jun 27, 2022 02:18PM
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