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Message: Question re BOD votes

Thanks RVXOT.

That is what I was trying to confirm.

Here are some funny excepts from the AGM document. Bolding is mine.




The objectives of the Corporation’s executive compensation program are to support an appropriate relationship between executive pay and the creation of shareholder value. The compensation program is designed:...





The Board and senior management of the Corporation consider good corporate governance to be central to the effective operation of the Corporation and are committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance.



Board Mandate

The Board's primary responsibility is for the stewardship of the Corporation and the Board's fundamental objectives are to enhance and preserve long-term shareholder value and to ensure that the Corporation meets its obligations on an on-going basis and operates in a reliable and safe manner


p45/app 3

The Board is responsible for:

(A) taking all reasonable steps to satisfy itself of the integrity of the CEO (hahaha) and management and satisfying itself that the CEO and management create a culture of integrity throughout the organization;

(B) approving Resverlogix's ethics policy; and

(C) monitoring compliance with Resverlogix's ethics policy and grant and disclose, or decline, any waivers of the ethics policy for officers and directors.


Has the BOD achieved any of it's objectives?


So the new BOD, which is 1 less independent member than the previous BOD, will probably be as, if not more, ineffective in their duties than the previous board. Given the Saudi Prince, the stretching of the "Forward Looking Statements", Morrocco, mushroom management, the quick Canadian Covid trial and the $0.25 share price it is laughable if not criminal of sorts.


The BOD mat meet the legal requirements for having enough independent directors but it in no way represents the thousands of retail investors who have suffered for years at the hands of an incompetent management team. JMO


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