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Message: Re: Looking forward now , can/will management use this meeting as the start of many positive updates?

Re: Looking forward now , can/will management use this meeting as the start of many positive updates?

posted on Aug 26, 2022 01:16PM

"Thank you for your inquiry. I can confirm that the FDA meeting was scheduled for early August, and that it was not cancelled. We expect to make further public announcements about our COVID-19 program and we appreciate your patience."

"Thank you for your interest in our COVID-19 clinical program. Yes, I can confirm that the FDA type C meeting had been scheduled at the time we made the announcement. I am sorry, but we have not publicly disclosed the date and time of the meeting, so I am unable to share those details. We expect to be able to provide further updates on our COVID-19 clinical program at some point after the meeting, and we greatly appreciate your patience."

I received a response from Chris and he said this.
"I can confirm that the Type C meeting was scheduled for early August and it was not cancelled or rescheduled."

The "meeting was scheduled for early August and it was not cancelled or rescheduled".  Logically IMO that means it must have already happened.  The key statement for me is "We expect to be able to provide further updates on our COVID-19 clinical program at some point after the meeting".  

IMO that means the meeting has happened and they are working on something concrete to say next.  I suspect -- to have a maximum positive impact -- they want to pair the mention of the meeting with an announcement of their big, bold, fabulous, knock-your-socks-off plan going forward.  After the meeting, that plan would take some time to put together.  And perhaps it also has to do with lining up funding and/or a partner.  They can't very well just say -- We had our meeting with the FDA and it went OK. Stay tuned. Period.

my bolding

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