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Message: find it interesting that RVXCF.....

fjr,,,,,,,I just pointed out that our fearless leader is going to make RVX a mid size pharma,,,,,,dont you remember him pointing this out to us all??,,,,geeeze,,,and the board is talking about him selling us out,,,,not happening more than likely,,,jmo

I have 100s of thousands of shares of this pig,,,,,which is not only worth a pitance now on paper,,but yes,,most likely less into the forseeable future!!,,,no timeline on any share price appreciation,,but I'll confirm with you,,if ever the share price reaches $1 you can buy all of my shares,,,,,the 100s of thousands of them,,,,,,all for yourself!!!,,just message me if it ever happens!,,,what a bargain you will get!!  :o)

Its clear the majority of the board does not believe a word spoken out of RVX, yet in general it seems to reguritate points management has made!!,,its kinda like the stockholm syndrome!!! Just saying!!

Lots of time for any chance of this pig to reach a dollar,,maybe 2035 or later!!!,,by that time the buying power of the CAD will be 50% of what it is today!,,,but the team will have feed big time at the trough,,,,, makes one feel ashamed for investing in this company!!!!,,bring it on Don!!!

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