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Message: Some history

10bagr ... my point for $3 per share is that it gets pretty much everyone "out" without losing their capital, other than to inflation.

No one is going to pay that though, to your point, unless there are multiple interested BP's that do see the long term opportunity, and would like to have the technology in their pipeline rather than their competitors ... at a potential steal, if epigenetics is a part of the future as multiple publications suggest.

This is a worst case "doomsday" excercise, in thought, not my dream come true. I would rather a BP or two buy it on the cheap (IP, BTD, ad hoc data, library of molecules, markey potential, tax loss carry forward, etc), than simply watch it go down the drain of liquidation. The tax loss itself should be negotiated as $1-2 pps, with a BP (if there is one?) that believes this will get commercialized some day.

But maybe you are right, and no BP's see this as a valuable research and technology platform to finish developing, or not $3 worth pps? Or, would rather just watch it crash, and fight over the rubble?

Meanwhile, Hepa and their $6m is right around the corner. And we appear to be illiquid.

I would love $10 a share, but that seems utterly ridiculous at this point. Whereas $3 to get most everyone out with their invested capital returned seems "doable" to me.

But maybe there is an exciting plan and opportunity being discussed and structured in the board room that we just don't know about ... having worked for and around BP's and smaller medical companies that were acquired (including negotiating one deal as CEO and 50% owner) for over 30 years, this doesn't feel good or right, to me.

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