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Message: Highest Volume days in last Five Years

narmac ... they don't hate us, they just don't care about us. We don't carry the water for what they need at the moment. And they don't have anything solid to pound their chest about triumphantly to the masses. They are likely buried in their bunker tight lipped with information flowing among a tight circle, on a need to know basis, while likely trying to figure out next steps. Whether trying to finance, sell, or rely on Zenith success somehow.

They blew a golden opportunity with BoM, we woulda/coulda/shoulda all been toasting Don on a beach or golf course in Hawaii, and likely would be, if stroke were left out, or we paid for an interim analysis to realize we needed more power.

I honeslty feel like the reconfigured and redesigned BoM2 design is a big time winner potentially. Just too bad RVX has fumbled getting this going to date, and fooled around grasping at straws and quick fixes with Covid (which I do ultimately believe has merit potentially).

Just a classic case study on a great product with poor "peter principle" management for the critical stage they are in now, and no money. Hopefully both of those obstacles are addressed sometime soon before it is too late, and then we will hear "chirping & crowing" again.

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