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Message: My Warrant Eulogy

I have not posted in almost 20 months as I had sold my RVX shares and only kept the May 31, 2023, $4.60 warrants as a hope and prayer. With the warrants being delisted June 7, 2023, I felt a need for one last post to help me come to terms with the massive disappointment this stock has been financially and medically.

I don’t recall the exact date when I first bought RVX, just that I was in it before the huge run in 2006 to $28.

RVX has been exhilarating, promising, disappointing, reborn, a cat with nine lives and a withered vine throughout my ownership. At one point I drank so much Kool-Aid I was considering a large piece of land I would buy with my profits.

RVX has had the most enigmatic, confounding ownership group who have somehow allowed a CEO clearly not suited to run a bio-tech company to keep his position while the company was going backwards the last several years, let alone during the trial periods. RVX does not even seem like a public company, more like a pink sheet company.

I have lost track of how much I made or lost on RVX over the years. I think I am in a small loss position. I only had a couple thousand shares when RVX went parabolic and then kept buying back in as it dropped like a stone. I made money on the couple other run-ups pre-trials and kept most of my shares and re-invested most of the profits in warrants to provide me larger leverage. Thus, I cannot blame anyone but myself for this not being a more profitable stock investment personally. I still have my Zenith shares, maybe they will be my salvation, except the same people run that company, so I will likely have a eulogy post in a few years on the Zenith board.

So, like at a funeral, I feel sad. Sad for not taking more profits, sad for the people who did not get to use a potentially helpful drug, sad for how close the trials were, that with more money and/or better designed trials may have produced the desired results.

I know the remaining posters hold out hope for a buy-out or some miracle funded trial, I wish you the best of luck.

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