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Message: AGM

Yeah, with the narrow miss with BoM, the excellent and enlightening ad hoc BoM data, resulting BTD, safety profile, and a much more targeted BoM2 ... it is astounding that there isn't more significant interest in ABL and Rvx. Even moreso since Zenith seems flush with partners and interest, so it isn't just the industry being weirded out by this weird epigenetics MOA thingy. 

It's not surprising that it can take a while, and some failures, to hone and identify exactly what you have. It just shocks me the lack of interest and avenues, for moving forward. But this is a direct reflection on management inexperience in certain needed areas at this point, Peter Principle in full effect.

And the industry is yawning at RVX, and leadership. 

Good luck to Don and friends, going rogue in Morocco and the M.E., pursuing EUA and some sales, and more real life credibility. Get some Don. Any path forward with advancement, is good. Gotta start somewhere. "If" that even happens.

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