"Some of us may even sellĀ our entire RVX and ZHCLF portfolios if we see a share price of anything close to $1.00, while the iron is hot and walk away from all of this and be done with it."
imo we won't see a dollar/share on either play for at least a year - probably two - who knows if they will even strike a deal this year for gods sake!!
One thing, its important for all of us to remember that this is the same guy that's told us many stories for over a decade of many good things to come & NOT ONCE HAS HE DELIVERED.
& by the sounds of it this isn't the delivery most people were looking for.
ya ya , it's the best he could. Well his best has been nothing but dog .... so far imo.
Lets see if the stench begins to clear up in the next 3 months before putting donny on any sort of pedestal.He hasent earned anything close to that yet imo.
Obviously my skepticism remains high with this group.