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Message: Realistically, when you think about it.

What is the reason to prolong all forward movement in RVX?,,,,,we are told we have multiple molecules in wait,,,in both companies,,,,who benefits from not making deals to advnace these molecules foreward in research? Why wouldnt this entire dogs breakfast be sold to the highest bidder? That would with all respect get shareholders out of the red surely and if we wanted to follow this science buy into the new IP holders.

The senior insiders all have large holdings which have been mostly granted so either no skin in the game or very little out of pocket risk. There would be or at least should be smiles everywhere in Calgary and China and elsewhere. Our team is way tooooo risky to handle 140 million in any form of research or other imo, especially when timelines are just too elusive to the team. They fail miserably under favorable circumstances. Just imagine how they would all vote to fatten their wallets and purses if real money flows in.  And we do know the biotech sector will always be the fall guy!!,,just as in ZEN,,,the team does not want shareholders to control their holdings,,,its obvious & ,,RVX Policy is clearly to never take responsibility for their own decision making! 

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