I talked to the IR dept today. They are working on the 43-101 numbers and hope to have them out by the end of Aug or early Sept. He said it is likely that they have a mineable resource at Langmuir. The 43-101 number will just be the nickel that is close to the surface. It looks like they could do an open pit mine. They have 2 drillls turning, 1 for shallow drilling and the other for deep drilling. They have been drilling since May and it is taking about 3 months for assay results. He doesn't expect news until the 43-101 numbers come out.
They have some of the Majors watching them, he didn't say which companies these were. He said that Hughes has a lot of shares and he sells some from his companies to help some of his other companies fund their exploration. After talking to IR I am feeling better about the wait.