high grade gold & moly

15 Gold properties & 1 Molybdenum resource - Beardmore & Geraldton, N/W Ontario.

Message: Wellcome RMK investors,,,,and a little background

Wellcome RMK investors,,,,and a little background

posted on Oct 12, 2007 09:56PM

I want to welcome everyone to our Agoracom site for Roxmark. Below I have posted some information and history of Roxmark properties. I want to add that the timing could not be better for us. Gold is hovering at the 750.00 level. The JV with Premier along with the recent results of Kodiaks drill program have brought added attention to the Geraldton-Beardmore Greenstone Belt.

I have been a holder of Roxmark stock for a couple of years now. I'll add I'm very happy and confident with the management we have. These guys own 45% of the shares. Management has been very methodical with there plans. They have delivered all promises. My understanding is Phillip Cunningham has an impeccable reputation. Everything is above board. These guys are planning for Roxmark to become a metals producer. That has always been the plan, and as I see it, we're getting closer.

We are fully permitted and the mill has been refurbished and tested.

With all the recent attention to the Geraldton-Beardmore Belt(KXL.V), I personally feel RMK is very undervalued compared to it's peers.




In its first production phase — which ended primarily because of a $35 fixed gold price and issues related to fragmented land holdings at the time — the Geraldton-Beardmore gold camp ranked among the top five producing areas in Canada, generating 4.1 million ounces of gold from 19.5 million tons of ore for an average recovered grade of 0.21 oz.Au/ton.

Roxmark’s current holdings, which consolidate key properties in the camp… eliminating boundary issues and maximizing effective use of existing infrastructure, include six of the camp’s former producing mines. These mines accounted for 1,890,045 ounces of gold produced from 3.98 million tons of milled ore with an average recovered grade of 0.46oz. Au/ton. This represented 20.4 percent of the tonnage milled and 46.1 percent of the gold recovered in the camp.

For example, the Leitch Mine (now on Roxmark land) was one of Ontario’s highest grade and most profitable gold mines, producing 860,648 ounces from 906,395 tons of ore at an average recovered grade of 0.91 oz.Au/ton. Even more impressively, the average recovered grade over the last ten years of the mine’s operation was 1.15 oz.Au/ton.


References in Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and mines publications show clearly that the molybdenum deposit on Roxmark’s Nortoba-Tyson property has been known for more than 50 years. However, while the 1958 annual report of Nortoba Mines Limited talks of "definite economic possibilities", development of the property awaited today's dramatically higher molybdenum prices which are a result of sharply higher demand, largely because of a worldwide upswing in steel production.

The Nortoba-Tyson property had historical reserves of 72,000 tons grading 1.73% MoS2 (molybdenite) estimated in 1958 to a depth of 375 feet; however diamond drilling in 2005 extended the strike length and encountered moly at a depth of more than 1,000 feet. In addition, historical bulk sample results show that 135 tons extracted at Nortoba in 1964 produced 139 ounces of gold, an average of 1.03 ounces of gold per ton. (Geological Report 122 of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 1975,Mackasey). Several grab samples taken in 2006 by Roxmark from the bottom of the previous bulk sample area assayed at values ranging from 0.17 to 7.64 oz/t.

About Roxmark Mines

Roxmark Mines Limited is the leader in gold and molybdenum exploration and development in the historically significant Geraldton-Beardmore area of Northwest Ontario. Roxmark has generated cash flow from bulk-sampled gold and molybdenum processed at its fully-permitted mill and has the advantage of infrastructure from six formerly highly productive gold mines located on its properties. These mines previously produced nearly two million ounces of gold from high grade ore but were closed primarily due to dramatically lower gold prices at the time and to boundary issues, eliminated by Roxmark's consolidation of key properties.

Further information is available on the Company's website at www.roxmark.com and on SEDAR under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com.


Over the past four years, Roxmark has:

Upgraded its onsite Northern Empire Mill (200 TPD, expandable to 500 TPD) to enable processing of both gold and molybdenum, adding a Knelson gravity concentrator and new flotation circuit and dryer to maximize efficiency

Surface bulk sampled 800 tons of gold and more than 2,000 tons of moly ore from the East Leitch property and processed it through the Company's Northern Empire Mill to generate cash flow

Conducted an 1,865-metre large-core diamond drilling program on the Nortoba-Tyson property which further delineated the molybdenum mineral deposit, located the upper limit of the diabase sill, and assessed the structural characteristics of the veins and rock wall. The diamond drilling program program extended the known 457 metre strike length by an additional 260 metres to the east for a total 717 metres of molybdenum mineralization. Historical drilling had intersected the molybdenum-bearing structure at a depth of 117 metres, however one hole of the 2005 program intersected moly at a depth of 313 metres (1,028 feet).


The 2007 program is designed to fill in the information gaps to justify a commitment to begin early development of gold and molybdenum resources at the Northern Empire Mine and Nortoba-Tyson properties.

Phase 1 of a surface diamond drilling program is underway at the Northern Empire Mine property. The program—based on the results of extensive digitization of historic data and 3-D modeling of Roxmark properties carried out in 2006—will primarily involve infill holes in the Power and Contact Zones both of which are in the eastern extension of the main vein located about 2300 to 3000 feet east of the shaft. Planned are 25 holes totaling 2,320 metres (7,612 feet) of which 22 are intended to confirm historical resources of 65,969 tons (grading 0.47 oz/t for a total of 30,780 ounces of gold) estimated above the diabase sill in 1999 by Peter Bevan, Consulting Geologists. The estimate is not complaint with NI 43-101. Results to date are very encouraging.

The second phase of the program, planned for later this year will include diamond drilling to explore several promising gold veins on the Nortoba-Tyson molybdenum property. Historical bulk sample results show that 135 tons extracted at Nortoba in 1964 produced 139 ounces of gold, an average of 1.03 ounces of gold per ton. (Geological Report 122 of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 1975,Mackasey). Several grab samples taken in 2006 by Roxmark from the bottom of the previous bulk sample area assayed at values ranging from 0.17 to 7.64 oz/t.

In 2007, Roxmark also will be working to establish the commercial viability of molybdenum production at Nortoba-Tyson before moving underground. This will involve additional work at surface to further delineate the nature, size and accessibility of the molybdenite vein as well as an investigation of production techniques that could minimize dilution of ore delivered to the mill.

Looking further ahead, gold development remains Roxmark’s primary objective. However, future molybdenum sales are expected to be an important source of cash flow to fund other programs, including gold exploration and development, without the need to depend solely on capital markets.

Evidence from the historical data shows that none of the producing mines on Roxmark properties had ever run out of gold at depth. In fact, they were still a good two thousand feet above the levels where some of the richest ore has been found in similar geological conditions in the region, at the Red Lake and other world class mines, for example. As a result, management believes the potential exists for a gold discovery at deeper levels.

Most of Roxmark’s spending will be dedicated to supporting the extraction of what we know exists from previous drilling and of what we will find by developing extensions on strike. We are also committed to integrating deeper exploration into our intermediate to longer term operational program.



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