high grade gold & moly

15 Gold properties & 1 Molybdenum resource - Beardmore & Geraldton, N/W Ontario.

Message: Little longlac Gold mine
Never ceases to amaze me how investors claim to be interested in putting their money into resource investments and yet will invariably be more drawn to the carnival barker.
KXL doen not have a clue whether their properties can even be developed into producing mines and yet they have all the buzz.
Roxmark, assuming people can both read and think,  have made their resources public for several years.
There is no need to pump these properties. We know they are gold laden and economic and the production question  is one of when not if.
And even though everybody has access to the information, most continue to play the bigger fool game, hoping to ride their KXL play till they need glasses, and then jumping out before the other guys figure it out.
For my part, I don't like the musical chairs game. Didn't like it as a kid and I damn sure don't like it when I have cash at stake.
I know this for sure. There will be a mine or mines on the Roxmark claims. It will be there years before KXL ever produces an ounce of gold, assuming they ever do.
The price of Roxmark mat never get to that of KXL.
But you can take solace ion the fact that you are investing in resourceces and not an echo chamber.
Or better yet that you are actually investing and not participating in a casino bet.
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