Cases 1. 2. 3. 4. Fill In The Blanks;
Estimated / Capital Investment to Production after PEA & feasibility: $_________
Internal Rate/Return (@ US$/oz Au) 1. $1000. 2. $1200. 3. $1400. 4. $1600.
Pre-tax IRR 1.xx.x% 2.xx.x% 3.xx.x% 4.xx.x%
Payback Period (yrs) 1.x.x 2.x.x 3.x.x 4.x.x
Net Present Value (@ 8%) 1.$ 2.$ 3. $ 4.$
Current Stock Price $
Stock Rating - Strong Buy
6-12 Month Target $
Target Total Return xxx%
Market Capitalization (mln) $
4-Week MA Daily Volume xxxxx
NAV per Share $x.xx
Premium to NAV + %
Discount to NAV - %
Working Capital per Share $x.xx
Shares Outstanding (mln) xx.x
Fully Diluted (mln) xxx.x
Indicated Resource xx.x oz
Inferred Resource x.x oz
Gold / Silver ratio
Est. Prod. Start 20xx
Est. LOM Production Rate xxxT
Mine Life xx yrs