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Message: grz files, KRY next? Russians & Chavez need to negotiate in good faith!

I think the following statement taken from the recent NR from RML is prelude to an upcoming agreement between Venezuela and both KRY and GRZ in the near future , yet i doubt GRZ suit against Venezuela will benefit them eventualy, somehow i feel it might do the opposite and prolonge the present state of affair by pressing the Venezuelan government into a corner .

Recent history has demonstrated the strong will of that government not to be ruled by foreign pressure . I'm not invested in any of those companies ( GRZ , KRY ) yet i've been following them on and off over the last year or so and i have nothing to gain in commenting that news though i believe so much acrimony as built up between both parties over that period of time that any agreement will not come through litigation but rather through arbitration , maybe RML could be playing a role into this as they have lost face in Canada particularly over the GRZ affair and could gain prestige in redeeming themselves in that way somehow.

Actualy the following excerpt demonstrate their will to do just that .



Rusoro sees feasibility study by mid-2010 on Venezuela mine expansion

posted on Oct 15, 09 10:29PM

From Rusoro's perspective, Salamis said the best way for the company to convince investors is by showing consistent and improving production and cost performances.

"But in addition it would also be nice to see the deadlock of the KM88 district – [where Crystallex's large Las Cristinas project is located] - resolved in some fashion to the benefit of everybody," he added..

"And I think, together, those two elements will go a long way to lifting the cloud," he said.

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