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January 26, 2012 07:00 ET

SGX Resources Discovers New Gold Zone

WINNIPEG, MB--(Marketwire - Jan 26, 2012) - Dale Ginn, Chief Executive Officer of SGX Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SXR), is pleased to announce the discovery of significant gold mineralization on its Sothman Township property located 60 km south of Timmins, ON.

Geophysical anomaly drilling for vein-style gold targets intersected what is now known as the Edelson Zone with drill holes #SL-11-14 and #SL-11-16. The deepest hole drilled on this section to date, SL-11-36 encountered 69 meters of 1.27 g/tonne gold at 100 meters below surface. This discovery is located in the north-west quadrant of SGX's claim group within the Sothman Township and has road access via Pine Street extending south from Timmins. The deposit dips moderately steeply to the south and strikes roughly at an azimuth of 100 degrees or east-southeast. Over 30 drill holes have been completed to date along 50 meter spaced sections, outlining a mineralized zone approximately 100 meters wide and 350 meters long to a maximum depth of 150 meters while the zone continues to remain open in all directions. Results from four drill holes located on the discovery cross section that were prioritized in terms of sampling and assaying are summarized in the following table:

Hole # From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold g/tonne Zone/Lens
SL-11-14 32.9 96.5 63.6 0.85 EL #1
SL-11-16 45.2 140.1 94.9 0.82 EL #1
SL-11-36 89.4 157.9 68.5 1.27 EL #1
SL-11-45 40.0 74.7 34.7 1.07 EL #1

Regionally, this property appears to lie on the potential western extension of the Cadillac-Larder fault zone along which a number of major gold deposits are located. The host rock is an altered and sheared ultramafic that exhibits extensive silicification and contains quartz-carbonate in veins, veinlets and fracture fill. Mineralization is broadly distributed throughout the unit as pyrite in amounts of 3 to 5 percent with trace chalcopyrite and occasional visible gold observed as well. Additional intercalated volcanic and meta sediment units lie to the north and south of the deposit, large felsic and mafic intrusive units are in contact with the northern volcanic rocks to the east beyond the SGX property boundaries. Along strike to the east of the Edelson zone by approximately 1.5 km lies the Sirola Zone, which exhibits identical geology and mineralization and contains some of the only outcropping in the region. The outcropping portion of this property consists of an altered reddish feldspar porphyry which lies in contact with mineralized ultramafic volcanic. These formations have a general strike of 100 degrees azimuth with a steep dip and are generally sheared and highly altered by carbonatization and silicification. Numerous trenches and test pits, believed to be from the early 1980s are also located on the property. SGX is conducting IP geophysical surveys and will conduct follow up drilling in order to determine if the Sirola Zone is an extension of the Edelson Zone.

Assay values within the zone appear to be distributed in a relatively stable fashion with the exception of an occasional high value due to the presence of visible gold. The intersection listed above for drill hole #14 consisted of 70 samples with one assaying over 10 g/tonne. Drill hole #16 contained 100 samples with one that assayed over 10 g/tonne, #36 consisted of 78 samples with one over 10 g/tonne and #45 was made up of 49 samples, two being over 10 g/tonne. The intersections above are near true widths as drilling has taken place from surface hangingwall positions, intersecting the zone nearly perpendicular to its strike and dip.

SGX Resources has undertaken an extensive diamond drilling program on the Sothman property since September of 2011 as a follow-up to geophysical targets with the objective of locating near surface gold deposits. This land package is located approximately 60 km to the south of Timmins, Ontario, between the Young-Davidson mine to the east and the Cote Lake deposit to the west. Activities at the Tully property, located approximately 25 km to the north of Timmins are focused on diamond drilling in order to expand on and further define the Tully gold deposit. As well, the company holds strategic land positions to the west and south of Timmins, near current and past production. San Gold Corporation (TSX: SGR) is the company's largest shareholder with over 26 million shares.

Sections, plans and diagrams related to this press release are available at the company's website, www.sgxresources.com, specifically the discovery cross section, a drill hole and geology plan, property and geophysical plans and general location maps. These figures can be accessed using the following links.

Figure 1 - Timmins South Geology

Figure 2 - Timmins South Property Boundaries

Figure 3 - Edelson Discovery Cross Section

Figure 4 - Timmins South Magnetics

Figure 5 - Timmins Regional Geology

This program was carried out under the supervision of John Boissoneault, P.Eng., of SGX Resources Inc., the qualified person responsible for this news release. The drill core was split, with half sent to the Porcupine Joint Venture accredited laboratory in Timmins, ON and fire assayed with an AA and gravimetric finish. Whole metallic assays were performed on samples containing visible gold. Check assays were also performed on pulps and rejects, as well, blanks and standards were inserted into the sample stream.

For further information contact Dale Ginn, CEO at (204) 794-5818. A copy of this press release will be made available on the company's website and will be filed with Sedar.

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