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Message: SOBRsafe Exhibiting at West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Presenting at Lytham Partners Investor Conference

SOBRsafe Exhibiting at West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Presenting at Lytham Partners Investor Conference

posted on May 29, 2024 05:05PM

In a significant move underscoring its rapid growth and market potential, SOBR Safe, Inc. (NASDAQ), a leading provider of next-generation transdermal alcohol detection solutions, announced its participation in two pivotal events this week: the West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders and the Lytham Partners Spring Investor Conference. This double-barreled approach not only highlights the company’s innovative technology but also its strategic focus on both industry awareness and investor relations.

Background and Context

Founded on the premise of addressing the inadequacies of traditional alcohol detection methods, SOBRsafe has quickly established itself as a disruptive force in the alcohol monitoring industry. The company's advanced transdermal technology offers a non-invasive, instantaneous method for detecting alcohol through the skin, setting a new standard in the field. This innovation caters to a wide range of markets including behavioral health, judicial systems, and consumer applications.

SOBRsafe's mission is to create a culture of prevention and support through its groundbreaking products: SOBRcheck for point-of-care screening and SOBRsure for continuous monitoring. With a significant uptick in new accounts in 2024, the company's recent achievements demonstrate its growing influence and adoption within key sectors.

Key Highlights and Advantages

West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders (May 30 - June 1)

Held in Palm Springs, California, the West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders is a premier event that brings together over 1,500 professionals in addiction treatment and behavioral health. SOBRsafe's participation as an exhibitor at Booth #404 signifies a major step in solidifying its presence in the behavioral health market.

  • Strategic Debut: SOBRsafe's first major showcase to the behavioral health community.
  • Customer Engagement: Many existing customers will be present, sharing their positive experiences with SOBRsafe's technology.
  • Brand Elevation: The event provides a platform for broader industry awareness and potential new partnerships.

Lytham Partners Spring Investor Conference (May 30)

In parallel, SOBRsafe will engage the investment community at the Lytham Partners Spring Investor Conference. CEO Dave Gandini’s webcast presentation will outline the company’s growth trajectory and technological advancements.

  • Virtual Presence: The webcast can be accessed live and on-demand, broadening reach to a global audience.
  • One-on-One Meetings: Management will engage with potential investors through virtual meetings, fostering direct communication and relationship building.

Potential Impact and Significance

The dual participation in these high-profile events underscores SOBRsafe’s strategic approach to market penetration and investor engagement. The West Coast Symposium offers an opportunity to showcase the practical applications and benefits of their technology to industry professionals, potentially leading to new customer acquisitions and partnerships. Concurrently, the Lytham Partners Conference allows SOBRsafe to highlight its financial health and growth potential to investors, which could translate into increased investment and market confidence.

Expert Opinions and Analysis

Justin Davis, Vice President of Corporate Relations at SOBRsafe, emphasized the importance of the symposium: “We have established our presence with over 20 accounts signed in 2024, and this sold-out event elevates our brand and technology to an entirely new level. Many of our customers will be in attendance, and sharing their SOBRsafe experiences within this tightly-knit community.”

CEO Dave Gandini’s upcoming presentation at the Lytham Partners Conference is highly anticipated. Investors and analysts are keen to gain insights into SOBRsafe's growth strategy and technological innovations.

Challenges and Considerations

While the company’s advancements are promising, challenges remain. The behavioral health market is highly competitive, and adoption of new technology can be slow due to regulatory and logistical hurdles. Moreover, the company must continue to prove the reliability and effectiveness of its products to gain broader acceptance.

SOBRsafe’s strategy to mitigate these challenges includes continuous product development, strategic partnerships, and robust customer support. By addressing potential concerns proactively, the company aims to maintain its competitive edge and ensure sustained growth.


SOBRsafe's active participation in the West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders and the Lytham Partners Spring Investor Conference highlights its strategic intent to expand its market presence and engage with investors effectively. These initiatives are pivotal in driving the company’s growth and establishing its innovative technology as a standard in alcohol detection. As SOBRsafe continues to evolve, its commitment to creating a culture of prevention and support remains at the forefront, promising a future where alcohol misuse can be monitored and managed more effectively. Investors and industry stakeholders alike should keep a keen eye on SOBRsafe's progress as it continues to make significant strides in the market.

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