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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Gold

dm1, you are focusing on reasons that are only dictated by new money. Right now all the new money is concentrated on the plays of the day, NOT and VMS, which like all the other big area plays will come back to reality when the big players start to take profit and the small players realize that the share price will stagnate because of a 10 to 15 year development phase to bring them to production. Check out out Augusta resources which was $.05 three years ago and which moved up and down between $1.00 and $3.00. Now that a mine is closer to production in the next two years it is finally starting to move into new territory. When production starts, it will stagnate again as the price becomes dictated by production numbers. The reason it moved so fast is that Phelps Dodge did most of the exploration in the last commodities bull run in the 70's. The environmentalist's and the state Governor are still trying to kill it, but they can't because of the federal mining agreement of 1837. I noticed last week, that agreement is being changed also. Kind of like the Flathead area of SE BC where the Governor of Montana is trying to stop mining.

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