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Message: More on certs....

More on certs....

posted on Feb 03, 2008 05:48AM

I often  wondered  what  happens  when  a cert  is  borrowed.... This  was   specified  in the   attachment.

"The rights to vote, and to receive dividends and interest payments, however, are not retained by the lender."

 I wondered  why I recieved no documents  for  last years  annual meeting. I recieved   docs for the  shares I  had in  my  Wolverton accounts....  but  got  none  for the  CIBC  accounts. I contacted  Rick Boulay  and  he  said  he  had  sent  more than double the  number of  packages than  what  CIBC  should have  required? 

I have  recieved  many  doc packages  for other stocks held in my  CIBC  accounts...... but  it  puzzled me  why  I  recieved  none  for   all 6 accounts  the SGR shares  were  held in.

One  other  bit  is  interesting as  well.... it   would  seam that   the  lender.... In this  case  CIBC...  would  actually recieve a  fee for   lending  out  my  certs.....  That  sounds  like  FRAUD to  me!

Not  only  are they  depressing  the  share price, by  encouraging  shorting .... They are aiding the covering a  short  position off  market.... That   would  be a naked short position if  done  after the  fact.......  but  they are  lending  my  shares without  my  concent and  taking a  fee  for  doing  so....... one  which  they  do  not share with the  account holder and  owner  of the  shares.

The  only way  anyone  long on a stock  would  concent  to  lending  their  shares is   if they are  recieving  payment or they are  crazy. Lending   your  position is artifically balloning the   float and  causes the  stockprice to  drop.

To  encourage short  selling  of their  own  clients  stock is  a  breach  of  trust in  my  mind.... and  that  was  why  I closed  my  CIBC accounts several months  ago.

Easiest way  to  put the  squeeze  on  such a  practice........ move your  account to  another  brokerage  firm.....  I noticed  some  of  my   shares  took a  long time to be  transferred, Were they  also   lent  out?

I also  had  several certs  lost  by  CIBC...... not  very  comforting to  have  that  happen.

and   read  carfully   what  you are  signing......... Purchase  you  PP  shares  with  YOUR  NAME on the  cert.......  and  hold it   in a safe/  deposit  box etc  untill they are  tradable.

 One  more  thing.... If  you  think  customer  service  will help  you...... forget it! They  go  imediatley  into  denial  mode....... and the   IDA is  there  to  back the  institution.....  so you  get  no  support there  either.... I  had   about 4 months   agrivation  dealing  with  CIBC with   zero satisfaction.... and I  have the  paperwork to  back it  up.

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