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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Brent Cook's latest thoughts? anyone a member?

Nice article in Frday's F.P. in Winnipeg. Some highlights:

-250 people working at the Mine

-expects to be profitable and in the black by third quarter of this year

-most remarkable part...the amount of new gold found in the last year and a half. Potential mine life now at 20 years.

-expects to produce 40,000 oz this year and double that next

-market capital has ballooned from $8 m to 4330 m in 3.5 years

-Dale was aked how many shares the company would be willing to sell to the Chinese delegation ... none, so market watch out!

-"Right now we're trying to drive the value of our stock higher"

Beside this story was the larger story of the Chinese delegation in Manitoba seeking investment opportunities.

All in all, a good week for SGR, especially considering the drop in gold price yesterday.

And yes, I am up way too early.

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