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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: more with dale


What an interesting and positive meting, and what a difference from last year. This was positive and as excited as Dale can get ... I think. He is very conservative and careful but the full house came with intelligent questions and they were answered.

Also it was interesting to view the graphs Dale presented to allow comparisons og SGR with MANY other companies, our size and bigger and smaller. We stand out very positively, especially lately of course.

And he also mentioned as did Hugh that takeover was a possibility, that perhaps 10-12 company visits have taken place, that a new shareholders rights bill should pe passed (it was), that Funds and the like are now chasing SGR, and that things were going WELL.

At present they have no need of financing and expect to be revenue neutral within the year.

They are continuing to look for one more Independent Director (necessary for TSX Listing) and have no time line for that. They also have no timeline for 43-101 and are focusing on making it as full and complete as possible. Dale joked that there was no point on creating a due date as they were never realized any way.

And most important: Dale wore a GOLD tie.


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