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Message: Gold

Re: Gold is Down

in response to by
posted on Aug 15, 2008 03:42AM

So gold is down. Don't blame me; don't blame any of us.

This is big, bigger than any of us, beyond my understanding. But ...

Look at the long term chart. A year ago -under a dollar. The fundamentals of SGR have not changed, except to improve. This is not about SGR. Even at $780 this is a company that will make money, turn a profit.

And I do not believe that gold will stay under $800. In fact, any kind of sense tells us that the US $ which if suddnely flying is in trouble. The US is spending money like they can print it at will, like it's paper or some damn thing. And how should that cause the $ to rise? I dunno.

SGR has not changed except to improve. Don't be shaken out by fluctuating US$ nonsense. Maybe this irrational support is the US way of somehow winning the Olympics.

But I am standing firm, and if it declines further I am buying further. In fact I just did, though I wish I'd waited some. But these guys that cause these indefensible fluctuations, they've stopped calling me for advise or warning. Go figure, eh?

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