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Message: Contrarian View from TrachingChief

Last post did not format well - I will try again.

[The following item is not my opinion --- I post it only as interesting commentary for comparison and reflection.]

Against all Logic and counter to all the Gold Gurus, TradingChief.Com stated months ago, to stay out of Gold stocks.

In fact we suggested they play was to short them with the Institutions. We also predicted correctly the pop in the US dollar as the need for cash until the TARP kicked in would be significant.

The world is in a process of unwinding. Hedge funds and institutions are seeing a mass exodus by people out of their funds, through redemptions. At the same time, the Banks and institutions have no cash because of the subprime fiasco. They have to raise cash by selling any asset that they have.

That cash is US$ Cash, and the asset that is sold is Gold! So as they sell gold, the US$ demand rises causing the store of value (Gold) to tank.

Many people are removing themselves from holding Physical gold because of the inflexibility in converting to cash quickly.

It is not coincidental that as the Gold Gurus beam with pride that the gold coins and bars are not available any longer. Yet gold is dropping? We suggested this was inevitable and is now occurring.

A properly executed trade by the Feds and Central Banks of the World is to put the coinage and bars into the public. If the coins and bars were sitting in vaults somewhere in the hands of the hoarders, the FED plan would not work.

Many GOLD Gurus have also taken great pride in predicting that Gold would go ballistic as the numerous and specific milestones occurred. Of course, it has not. In fact every milestone predicted by the Gold Gurus of the world has done nothing to the price of Physical Gold. So, they just create another milestone, disregarding the ones that got you into Physical gold in the first place.

Gold gurus have predicted so many events that would trigger $2000 that we personally have lost track. We have always taken the opposite position. If it comes down to betting on the FED and Central banks against a few Gold gurus, our bet is on the FED and Banks.

So far the bet is working well. The last stage of the FEDS plan is almost complete. He has now got the Public into Physical gold and now will create the largest short squeeze in history.

The FED will force all banks being paid out in TARP money to keep that money in US dollars. Reclamation of any loans to the banks will also be forcibly left in US Currency. Any future loans from the same banks will be in US$, if the banks do not comply they do not get TARP assistance. (So much for too many dollars in the world.)

As the Dollar rises the FED is squeezing those that purchased Gold between $700-1000 into thinking or actually getting rid of their gold. As the next few weeks unfold we believe you will see a capitulation candle in Gold where the FEDS of the world force people to finally relent and get rid of thier gold. We think that capit candle will occur from $665 to about $580

All of the public will then return their coins and bars back to the banks. Guess who will be the buyer? Perhaps the FED that shorted Gold into oblivion? That’s our bet!! That is when TradingChief.Com , members may walk down to the bank and buy our gold. There will be plenty of coins available and enough bars to satisfy our needs.

Then as the this process climaxes, we will be in Gold and most will be out because they followed the obsessive compulsive Gold Gurus who could not even predict that Banks would be selling Gold to raise cash during this crisis. In fact their explanation “even now” is nothing more than their "conspiracy theory, re-spun".

The latest call is that the only way to get gold to finally break out is now left to Comex to balance their accounts? This is the signal that the Gurus have run out of reasons why all their previous milestones have not worked and they are struggling to come up with a good reason why they have been wrong for 5 years now.

Remember, gold has been the worst performing metal on the exchange during this entire bull market. It seems that when a metal is shiny people do not associated it with lead, copper, Uranium, nickel etc etc.

It’s sad really, this is all these Gold Guru’s do for a living and they could not even get that right!

We have an anti-idiocy thread, it’s worth the read.



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