1250 t/d in '09
1800 t/d in 2010
250,000 ounces by 2012
Some of these numbers don't quite jibe. At an average head grade of 0.5 oz/tonne and milling 1800 t/d for 325 days out of the year, they'd be producing 272,000 oz/year. Adjusting avg. head grade to 0.46 oz/tonne gets us closer to the 250,000 oz figure.This is below your estimates, but more realistic, considering the lower average grades in the SG1 and Cartwright deposits.
Exploration costs not considered
3-year trailing gold price of US$780/oz or CD$987
25 Year mine life
Average head grade: 0.46 oz/tonne
2008 Production: 30,000 oz;2009 Production: 150,000 oz
Steady-state production: 250,000 oz (from assumptions above)
93% Recovery, $1.5/oz smelter rate
These assumptions would result in approximately 6.4M oz being mined over the 25 year mine life.
259,464,101 shares, fully diluted
$6.78 10% Discount Rate
$8.46 7% DR
$10.00 5% DR
A 79c CD$ helps, as does a high average grade. With silly (sillier?) grades like 0.6 oz/tonne over the life of the mine, you get ~325,000 oz/year production in steady-state and over 8.3M ozs mined over the 25 year mine life. Valuations rise accordingly:
$9.90 10% DR
$12.31 7% DR
$14.53 5% DR