a couple of comparisons between ARZ and SAN can be made here, just to show how quickly Sans gold output can rise. Exchange from ARZs milled head of 7.7 gram per ton and use Sans 15 gram ( 1/2 oz ) , and because San will reach 1800 ton per day then suddenly we see we could reach over 200,000 in 09. San also reaches a higher recouvery rate at the mill by another 5 % and with our cheap hydro rates we will be below $ 300 . an oz. San could, but i doubt, do some high grading ( 1 0z ) and raise the mill head upto 21grs a ton and suddenly we are cash flowing mucho dollars. I can not believe Winkin Blinkin and Nod keep this $ 2. target on us, kinda gives me the impression that they don"t know what they are talking about, but we sure can follow their trading patterns and see they have their game plan in full production. Long On Th e Greens, Traps7