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Message: Low Rates

Low Rates

posted on Dec 16, 2008 03:54AM

Part of the problem is that mortgage rates are deductible from income re: taxes in the States. In Canada we have always been envious of their ability to deduct mortgage costs from income but this is part of what has turned buying a home into a speculative venture, and the overall increase in house price is part of what has spurred sub-prime problems and 2 more to yet show their heads.

We're talking basic greed here folks, and that should be left for the real market and gold bugs, not people looking to get a home for a family. On 60 Minutes they talked about 2 more Mortgage types which will soon emerge and cause even more havoc. So the U.S. Govt which is deeply in debt, has 2 wars raging, has citizens being evicted and 3 auto giants begging and work shutting down everywhere will look to lend more money to people to buy things they can't afford and then deduct payments from taxes...

What's up with that?

And why to people still have faith in the U.S. dollar? And when is Gold going to get the respect it deserve. Soon, folks, soon. Remember how few predicted the problems we now face. Most people don't want to see that far ahead. But Soon everyone will be talking GOLD.

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