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Message: San Gold closes $8.82-million debenture financing

Threr is nothing $US50 trillion can't buy . . .

posted on Dec 31, 2008 12:28PM

Is history repeating itself?

bigpic4ever (from another board.)

Our economy has been so mismanaged and now they expect us to pay for their failures. The Social Security Administration is running a Ponzi scheme. Now we are hearing that the government might impound our retirement accounts to bolster up their lousy management practices. Some years ago the government took all the assets out of the Social Security account because they needed money. Social Security is now totally unfunded as a result and now they want our retirement accounts??

MediCare is also totally unfunded, both representing trillions of dollar obligations expected to be paid in the future that is just not there. We have been robbed blind, not to mention the lashing that was recently given to folks that tried to protect themselves by hedging their futures with precious metals and related items.

The devil that is responsible for all these messes along with all the stock market crashes and busted bubbles resides in western Europe pulling all the strings of world bankers and governments to accomplish public blood letting. There is nothing that $500 trillion can't buy or influence. One only has to remember Brooksley Born who headed the CFTC back in 1987, they couldn't buy her. Now that's a lady with CLASS. She wanted to regulate OTC derivatives and had every right to do so as was spelled out in the Commodities Futures Act. But or no! Influential Sociopaths in the government attacked her namely Greenspan, Rubin and Gramm. Shame on you men!

And don't forget November 22 1963 when a great American fell. One thing he wanted to give us was some honest money that was backed by silver and in the process attempted to dismantle the Fed and return the creation of money back to the Treasury. Sure they cooked up the "lone gunman story," but following the traggic event Jackie kept using the "THEY" word.

M.A.R.(unnamed headmaster of THE banking family) once said: "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes the laws." These are the kinds of people that we are dealing with.

Following the 1907 stock market crash Louis McFadden made the following statement: "It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair so that they might emerge the rulers of all of us." A few years later Mr. Mcfadden had two failed assassination attempts made against his life. Over a short period of time following these events he succumbed to poisioning.

A little history once in a while is good for the perspective senses.


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