Aurizon Mines Ltd. mine manager Gilles Brousseau exercised options for 22,500 company common shares at $2.38 each on Jan 13, 2009. He sold all of these shares the same day at prices ranging from $3.78 to $3.94.
Unfortunitely, when options are exercized they trigger an immediate tax consideration, usually resulting in the immediate sale of the equity involved protecting the exorcisor against a drop in price of the equity whose options he/she has excercised which are taxed at the price the day they are exercised.
This was publicly debated at length when John Roth exercised $140MM worth of Nortel shares in the late 90's, selling them immediately for a huge profit.
In other words, its simply a definsive accounting measure to keep the exorcisor's pockets full in the event of a price drop!
Exercising the options virtually forces the sale!