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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

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AU 3
(Bissett Mine)
(Harmony Gold Mine)
2000- Wildcat Explorations
115 Pulford St.
Winnipeg, MB R3L 1X8
Shaft No. 1 San Antonio M.C.
Uncertainty (m)
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
14 EPM
The Rice Lake area was described by Reid and Kennedy (1933) as consisting of an irregular, wedge-shaped roof pendant of metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks, enclosed within granite and granite gneiss. Locally, the most important rock type is a band of metamorphosed basic igneous rock, which strikes NW46°NE.
The gold-bearing quartz veins occur in the thickest part of a north-dipping diabase sill, intruding tuffaceous rocks of the Rice Lake group (Davies et al, 1962). The veins occupy shear zones striking northeast and fracture zones striking northwest that, along with the veins, pinch out at the upper and lower contacts of the diabase:other veins appear down dip in the sill. The northeast veins are in shear zones dipping about 60°NW. The northwest veins occupy fracture zones that dip steeply northeast, or are near vertical.The wallrocks consist of pyritized chlorite schists and are intensely albitized and carbonatized. The zones consisting of networks of veins and stringers contain small pieces of grey, altered wallrock.
Theyer (1983) interpreted the host rocks of the San Antonio mine to be mafic volcanic flows, grading into layered mafic tuffs, magnetite bearing tuffs, and intermediate to felsic tuffs. This diabase sill was renamed the San Antonio mine unit (SAM). Mapping on the 26th level of the San Antonio mine revealed mafic volcanic rocks similar to the SAM unit, but occurring on the footwall side of the unit. Theyer (1983) interpreted unit A as a possible repetition of the SAM unit, due to folding.
The results of Theyer's studies prompted Lathwell Resources to negotiate an option agreement with Brinco. Dr. Furnival, of Lathwell Resources, felt that the gold deposition may be syngenetic and added significantly to the exploration potential of the area.
The deposit is located in the town of Bissett, on the north shore of Rice Lake and can be reached by Provincial Road No. 304. The San Antonio M.C. (16863) was one of the first claims staked in the Rice Lake area. It was staked on May 17, 1911, by Alex Desautels, who immediately assigned the claim to E.A. Pelletier. Pelletier staked the original gold discovery in the area, on the adjoining Gabrielle claim, in early 1911.
Very little development work was done on the claim until after World War I, with money paid in lieu of assessment work. The San Antonio M.C. was patented on September 14, 1921, and Gabrielle in 1919. The Wanipigow Syndicate was formed in 1926, to explore the San Antonio M.C. and adjoining claims.
Shaft sinking began in 1927, and the same year, Wanipigow Mines Limited was incorporated to develop the properties. In late 1927, the name was changed to San Antonio Mines Limited. A further name change occurred in 1931, when the property was re-financed and incorporated as San Antonio Gold Mines Limited.
By the end of 1928, the No. 1 shaft had been completed to a depth of 50 metres (m), with about 305 m of lateral work on the 46 m level. The No. 2 shaft had reached a depth of 187 m, with over 1220 m of drifting and crosscutting on four levels. In 1929 to 1930, winze No. 1, inclined at 60°, was sunk from the 183 m level, at a point 139 m northeast of No. 2 shaft, was completed in 1930, with stations at the 260 and 290 m levels. Work started late in December 1933, on the No. 3 (main production) shaft of three compartments. In 1936, a 547 m crosscut to the Gabrielle workings was completed. In 1938, the No. 3 shaft was completed to a depth of 498 m. It was connected; on the 366, 412, and 458 m levels; to winze No. 2, which was sunk, in 1937, from the 320 m to the 473 m level. The No. 3 winze (a 3-compartment internal shaft) was begun in 1939, at a point 275 m northeast of the No. 3 shaft on the 456 m foot level. It was completed in 1940, to the 763 m horizon, opening up 6 new levels at intervals of 46 m. In 1947, No. 4 winze, located 275 m east of No. 3 winze, was sunk from the 16th level, 732 m to 1256 m below surface. Ten levels were established; with the deepest (26th) level at 1179 m.
No. 5 winze, completed in 1960, is located on the adjoining leased property of Forty-Four Mines Limited. It was sunk to develop an entirely new deep ore zone, revealed in drilling from the 26th level. The winze extends from this level for 372 m, to 1546 m below surface.
The mine was in production from the early thirties until 1968, when a fire destroyed the main surface hoist room. An excellent record of dividend payments was maintained from 1932 to 1955. Financial problems followed, the company was placed in receivership, and its assets purchased in 1969, by 3 of the former directors.
After closure of the mine in 1968, the ore reserves were estimated at 186 490 tonnes (t) grading over 8.23 g/t(grams/tonne) (0.24 oz/ton) gold (Au) (Canadian Mines Handbook, 1967-68). An estimate of ore made by an independent consultant indicated that deep drilling would show 1.8 million t of ore grading 10.63 g/t (0.31 oz) (Northern Miner, April 12, 1973).
In 1972, Chemalloy Minerals Limited took out a 60-day option for a feasibility study to include diamond drilling, limited underground work, and ore reserves evaluation. The option was not exercised.
In 1980, Brinco and New Forty-Four Mines entered a joint venture agreement, whereby Brinco could earn a 50% interest by conducting a reserves and feasibility study (Northern Miner, August 28, 1980). The 7-month study confirmed mineable reserves of 725 680 t of ore with an average grade of 6.51g/t (0.19 oz/ton) Au. During the program, surface mine plant facilities, 4 hoists, a surface shaft, and 3 underground winzes were rehabilitated and reactivated, to allow access to levels down to 1586 m. In April 1981, work commenced on a $13 million program, under the direction of Brinco Mining's engineering group. A 408 t/day concentrator was designed and built, replacing the one destroyed by fire in 1968. Employee quarters and underground rehabilitation was completed in December 1981, at a cost of $12.5 million (Northern Miner, Dec. 16, 1982).
The mine re-opened in January 1982, designed to produce 684 kg (22 000 oz.) of gold per year with mining activity taking place in the upper levels only. By July 1982, production levels had reached 49.76 kg (1600 oz) of gold per month (Northern Miner, Dec. 16, 1982).
In late 1982, Brinco Mining renegotiated its joint venture agreement with New Forty-Four Mines, with Brinco's working interest rising from 50% to 100%. New Forty-Four Mines held a 10% interest in the net profits payable, after Brinco recovered all of its costs associated with the project (Mining Journal, November 12, 1982). Grades of ore from the upper levels proved disappointing at 4.8 g/t (0.14 oz/ton) Au, compared to a projected 6.51 g/t (0.19 oz/ton) Au. The decision was made to terminate operations, from the upper levels, in May 1983.
The same year, an exploration drilling program began, with Phase I completed on June 30, 1983. The principal target, the downward extension of the 97 stockwork vein, was intersected by 9 holes. Average corrected thickness of the vein below the 33rd level, was 3.45 m averaging 9.26/t (0.27 oz/ton). A preliminary estimate of tonnage was in excess of 200 000 t.
In 1983, Lathwell Resources Ltd. negotiated an option agreement with Brinco. Lathwell could earn a 50% interest in the mine for expenditures, on exploration and development, of $7.5 million over 4 to 5 years (Northern Miner, May 24, 1984). Lathwell completed Phase I exploration in September 1984 (Northern Miner, September 20, 1984). The program was designed to test the potential and cost of preparing the 33 and 34 levels for an extended underground program of drifting and cross cutting. Lathwell estimated D shaft ore reserves, between the 26 and 36 levels, as 1 203 161 t averaging 7.89 g/t (0.23 oz/ton) Au. A 598 t bulk sample removed from the D shaft returned a weighted average assay of 12.58 g/t (0.367 oz/ton) gold. Lathwell concluded that very little development work would be required in order to put the mine into production. Phase I exploration also collared 3 horizontal diamond drill holes (ddh) from the east face of the 97 vein in the 3397 drift. The holes determined the bounds of the 97 vein and confirmed the presence of several new stockwork veins on the 33 level. Assays from DDH 33-84-10, combined with back assays, brought the weighted average grade of the 97 vein, at one location, to 8.16 g/t (0.238 oz/ton) Au over 8.54 m. DDH 33-84-02 confirmed the presence of a new stockwork type vein, parallel to the 97 vein. Assays averaged 6.86 g/t (0.20 oz/ton) Au over 3.05 m, and 10.29 g/t (0.3 oz/ton) Au over 1.83 m. DDH 33-84-03 was drilled alongside of the 97 vein on the hangingwall side. It intersected the stockwork vein, from 15.86 to 17.69 m, averaging 5.14 g/t (0.15 oz/ton) Au, and from 32.94 to 34.77 m averaging 12.69 g/t (0.37 oz/ton) Au. After completion of Phase I exploration, Lathwell Resources decided to drop the option.
In November 1985, the mine was optioned to San Antonio Resources, a company jointly owned by Quest Resources, Inco Mines and various private investors. From November 1985 to March 1986, an underground drilling program consisting of 22 drill holes (6737m) was carried out. A “defined mineral resource” was calculated below the 27th level, indicating 1 773 374 t grading 7.4 g/t (0.215 oz/ton) Au. 130 gold intersections were calculated between the 26th and 30th levels their breakdown is:

Category Grade Tonnes Milled Au
(kg) Au (oz)
Au (g/t) Au
Proven 8.7 0.254 503 685 3980 127 360
Probable 7.0 0.204 1 038 505 6612 211 584
Possible 6.6 0.193 413 018 2465 78 880
Mineral Resource 7.4 0.215 1 773 374 13 058 417 856

Approximately 40 % of the total reserve (727 498 t grading 7.4g/t, 0.215 oz/ton gold) occurs in the 97 Stockwork vein.
In 1986, San Antonio Resources dropped their option and Brinco mining was later alamagated with Cassiar Mining Corporation. Cassiar hired Killborn Engineering Ltd. to carry out a feasibility study on the San Antonio Deposit, the results indicated a proven and probable reserves at 1.3 million t grading 7.7g/t (0.223 oz/ton). Killborn recommended extending the shaft 275 m into the 28th level, as they felt there was a possibility of 1244 kg (40 000 oz) Au
per year. In 1987, Cassiar’s plans to reopen the mine were stopped by the stock market crash, which sent the price of gold plunging.
Rea Gold Corporation bought the San Antonio mine for $3.2 Million and shares from Cassiar in 1989 (Northern Miner, February 1989). Rea Gold’s reviews of the previously gained data showed the mine reserves at 1.2 million t grading 7.5 g/t (0.22 oz/ton) Au, below the 26th level and 301 400 t grading 6.6 g/t (0.192 oz/ton), above the 26th level. Capital costs were put at $18.8 million and operating costs were estimated to be $86/t (or $78.53/ton), with increases expected due to plans for additional shaft sinking and new mining, milling and hoisting equipment (Northern Miner, June 5, 1989).
In 1994, Rea announced a $3 million exploration and development plan for the mine, assisted by a grant from the Manitoba Government for $743 000 and a “new mine status” designation, which would allow them concessions in payment of taxes. The first phase of the revitalization was completed April 1994. Exploration and development continued until November 1995, when Rea announced that it would go ahead with production based on a feasibility report concluding that 900 t/day was reasonable. By 1996, the mine was determined to have a gross reserve of 3.4 million t grading 9.5 g/t. This was a conservative estimate, as it was statiscally calculated that grades as much as 4 times higher might be reliable (Northern Miner, February 12, 1996). Production started in the first quarter of 1997, with plans to improve ventilation with the construction of 750 new raises. In December 1997, Rea Gold Corporation and it’s subsidiary Bissett Gold Mining Company Ltd. filed for bankruptcy after failing to reach an agreement with their principal lender, N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd, regarding the US$23 Million debt owed to Rothschild. After bankruptcy papers were signed, the directors of Rea Gold and Bissett Gold Mining resigned and operations at the San Antonio mine ceased. Rea Gold was delisted from the TSE December 23, 1998.
In June 1998, South Africa’s Harmony Gold Mines bought the San Antonio property for $14 million, from the receivers handling the bankruptcy of Bissett Gold Mining. The mine was renamed Harmony Gold mine, and capital expenditure and development programs were started. Production began in the 4th quarter of 1998, with the expectation of a production of 30 000 t/month Au to be reached by 2000, as proven reserves estimates have been confirmed by extensive drilling and development (Canadian Mines Handbook, 2000-2001).
By 2001, with production lagging and gold prices dropped to US$271/oz Harmony Gold Mines Ltd. is closed the mine. In February 2002, Wildcat Explorations picked up the property from Harmony. Wildcat paid $5 million in up front costs, with an additional $4 million to be spread over 4 years. As of 2002, Wildcat is conducting EM and Mag surveys of the area.
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