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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Titan 24 Geophysical Survey ?

Traps, some geologists rely heavily on airborne surveys. Stikene Resources spent 3 million dollars drilling a large anomaly thought to be the other half of the famous Sullivan lead zinc deposit. It was penetrated 3 different times at 8000 feet and found to be a very thin carbon layer that had the same reflective qualities as lead zinc located in close proximity to the exhausted Sullivan deposit. That is why drilling is the only real proof of the gold.

The JV partner and WEL need to get off their butts and start doing some drilling to prove that they have the goods. They have both spent money on airborne surveys. That is the only way that they will ever get true and long lasting price appreciation. Riding off the back of San will be a very slow process as San will concentrate on their own properies first and have a lot of drilling to do yet on their own properties.

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