Like I said before I may not have a lot of knowledge about the inner workers of deal making, however I am a thinker. Since SGR is the biggest stock investment of my life I am paying close attention. I am not dumb enough to think that people will do some shady things when money is involved, however I have always wondered about programs like BNN. Just like daytime talk shows it would be so easy for these guests like embry to have associates to phone or email questions about certain companies. They call it stacking the lines in the political game, another term is friendly calls. This practice is rampant in politics, however I would be a little disappointed if BNN were to play along.
If he orchestrated what was implied he chose his words carefully as what he said was in no way bad. I think half an ounce per ton with lets say 10 million tons would be just fine with me.
A rookie but not a dummie