Andy, a home is a mans castle unfortionately in todays housing market, our homes do not go up much in value. Your home assesment will have increased due to your home reno work and this would allow you to get a higher line of credit. I see this cheap money of 1.5 % after tax returning a higher yield if invested wisely. Look at San at todays price and ask yourself where Sans price will be in a yr from now and compare this to the price of your home. Remember it only cost you under 2 % to realise Sans price a yr from now. On the down side you will have to pay a 25 % capital gain if San goes up un less you purchase the $ 5,000. in your TFSA IN WHICH YOU PAY NO TAX. Just food for thought. Corporate bonds yielding 8 % still give you 6 % on the upside for just sitting around, pays the beer. Long On The Greens Traps7