You are right H.., I don't get it. If somebody that knew what they were doing bought the company, could they not just clean house and fix it. Is the problem mining the ore or is it running it through the mill? I know you recently paid a visit to the property, did you get any sense as to why they are having these problems. The labour shortage seems to have improved somewhat, they have bought some new hauling equiptment and it would seem the electrical problems they had with the hoist have been fixed. The only thing I have heard on the forum that they really dropped the ball on was the camp and accommadation. I would have hoped that the 37 million they received for the warrants could have rectified that issue in a heartbeat. I didn't take the moniker rookie as a joke, I have a lot to learn and am more than willing to read any material that will improve my future investing. Whenever I post I always hope somebody will clarify or correct any ommissions and errors.
Thanks H