Aurizon is a prime example of a successful company that has not been taken out. 166M shares fully diluted, production of 35-38K ozs per quarter, cash cost per oz is $385, but only showing 995k oz measured and indicated in the resource category. Do they have more and aren't releasing it? They aren't under the gun to update because they are already listed on TSX-T, possitive cash flow, have 85M in the bank and are producing to capacity of mine and mill which is 2000tpd. $4.50 share price, and by the end of year will have another 80M in the bank or $1 per share. Not enough resource to attract a major? The Joanna property also has another 1.5m oz resource at 1.5 gpt and would be large tonnage open pit but is not in production yet
San has more resource but doesn't come close to comparing in the production department yet.