There are two things to own going forward. Precious metals and the companies that mine them. The very worst tsunami is a boon only to the surfers crazy enough to catch the wave, and that will exactly be the situation when the fragrant chile hits the fan part 2. Instead of a thrill though, the owners of shares in mines that produce gold will be rewarded with financial security in perpetuity, barring unforeseen acts of foolishness.
Gold producing operations will soon see their valuations increase dramatically. Lifted on that rising tide will certainly be soon-to-be-producers and to a lesser extent, explorers of advanced economic deposits.
The long term deterioration of the U.S. Dollar has been underway for decades. Its days as a viable currency are numbered. History proves this. Buying gold and gold related assets will soon also reveal itself to be the only sound investment of the next 10 years.
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