I really hate it when people try to inflate growth from 0.57 to 3.30. This is the biggest set of BS ever. I am not saying Courtney is full of BS, but only this statement.
In truth the share price was somewhat stable around the 2.00 mark but then the economic down turn took place and the stocked crashed to 0.57 for a very short period as all stocks did the the same.
Reality is that this stock basically went from $1.00 to $3.00 over the past 3-4 years to present and it went from $2.00 to $3.00 over the past 1-2 years to present.
Just beause it spiked down for a short period of time does not justify saying made the company grow 500% or whatever.
In reality over the past couple years it grew 50% or 250 MM market cap.
those are still good numbers, but those are the numbers we should be looking at.