SGR is obviously not an investment you like so why would you continue to hold it and iritate yourself. I am a realist and know what it takes to achieve what this company has achieved in a short time in the realm of mining. New geololgical discoveries such as the Hinge are the key to success in mining and we are very lucky (at least I am) to have heard about this company in the early stages when shares could be had cheap. I have at least a 1000% or 250% per year for the last 4 years on my costs. I would prefer that the mine and it's staff be concentrated on finding new ore and slowly build up the efficiency of the mining and production side. If you don't have a basic knowledge of what is involved you should educate yourself and go on a couple of mine tours near where you live if you want to continue to buy mining shares that trade on the venture exchange. Only 1 in 3000 exploration plays become successfull mines and this is one of them. The odds of finding another like it in the early stages are enormous and extremely risky
I'll bet you never buy IPO's or PP because of the risks either.