Hat Styles
posted on
Oct 17, 2009 10:46AM
San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.
Thanks Nug and Traps for the kind words a while back, and thanks so much to Mr. Shearer for posting. Anything by management or directors is really special.
Gentlemen: Today, would you mind putting on an SG management hard hat with me ,and I will suggest how some things might be .
You have worked for others most of your life and have risked your hard earned savings to start this company. The company is now a huge success, but has enormous, additional potential. You are required to make a public announcement about the company, once in a while, and your lawyers advise you to always read the "safe harbor" statement, because the realities of the future will, usually, be quite different from your best guess right now. Your decisions are large and complicated. They include employee relations and benefits, raising money - the pro's and cons of the choices, how to spend the budget ( exploration, 43-101 infills, finding ways to load more ingots in the back of the truck, etc.) You have always loved your work, but now have to deal with being a public figure, and complying with a whole bunch of requirements of a public company, that have nothing, directly, to do with mining. You, suddenly, find yourself the target of nasty insults. It is sometimes hard to remember that a very knowledgeable investment firm, associates, coworkers, and a bunch of small investors, could have done billions and billions of different things with their precious savings, yet, they laid it down next to yours.
You and your family may have lived very modestly all of your lives. You're middle aged, and you would like to reward your families for their years of support, have a vacation, and, maybe set a little money aside. It all makes perfect sense, and the True Believers understand this, and do the same for themselves.
Sometimes your investors forget what a phenomenal run the stock has had. When other gold stocks go up faster, they forget that companies with high production costs, or who need a high price of gold to get development financing, are highly leveraged to the price of gold in both directions. The True Believers know that SG's success is in it's own hands, to a much greater degree. SG is not leveraged, and it can operate as a very low cost producer. It has the enviable choice of being able to budget more production, more exploration, or more acquisitions or partnerships, as advantages occur. And, already, it has partnerships that give it access to much of the rest of the whole geologic trend at RiceLake and to some extent at Timmins - a few more nuggets in the tailings that might appeal to Mr.Goldfinger.
We all should sleep well. - - - - - - - - - Oh, sorry, honey- - - - - _I'll get the dishes in a minute.