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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Management and the mine

Ruf, if you would like to know my full name, ask for it, I can give it to you, along with the address. You can come and visit me for a glass of wine, but I warn you, it's a long way from America :-)

As I intimated in my post (it is not the first time that I post, although I do it infrequently), I do not have a high opinion of Dundee as an organisation fit to develop a mine like San Gold's. They are market makers on the Canadian exchanges. I am sure you do not think that qualifies them for sainthood! I am sure price manipulation is rampant and I am sure management acquiesces to it. What is their option? Dundee owns 25-30% of the shares.

As far as getting out of the Venture is concerned, I am sure it will happen and within three months there will be a bid. I think (and this is a guess only) they are delaying it on purpose. I do not see how they can victimise the minority shareholders substantially at acquisition time.

If your grudge is that your shares are not appreciating as much as you want, you can always take your profits ( I assume you have made some, my CDN$ cost average is 1.15) and go elsewhere where you think there is less manipulation and more profit potential.

I suspect that is exactly what Dundee wants you to do ;-) I fancy my chances of a bigger win here, that is why I decided to stay in this stock. Stop grumbling. We know what you are complaining about, but neither management, Dundee or the Canadian exchange authorities will listen to you. If you do not like it, your options are a) sue them b) vote them out at the AGM and c) SELL

Whichever you do, I wish you luck from the sunny island of Cyprus


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