I suppose the challenge is to develope the stopes and get them ready to mine the ore. The September run was mostly ore from the SAM at a lower grade. If they can fill the Bunk Quarters they just put in with 65 hard rock miners we will be in business. The new crews should be able to produce 3-4 hundred tons of high grade per day to add to the mix. If they can find and hire enough men, L13, Cohiba, Hinge, etc.etc. could possibly produce 1200 tons per day to add to the 600 they want to produce from SAM. They have already said that the Hinge ore is easy to mill and has good gold liberating qualities, so they could possibly get to 240,000 ounces without a mill upgrade. They just need to develope more of their high grade mines. 3-4 hundred tons per mine per day is probably a reasonable target by 2012.