Goldfisher, If you are a dreamer like me hit the link I have provided and go to page 17. If you notice the white dotted line down the middle of the "Golden Fairway" the geologic model being followed is calling that the conduit. You will also see black dotted lines trending NE SW from the conduit. There are about eight of them on that PDF. These are the hinges. They are spaced about half a kilometer apart and there could be more of them all the way to Horseshoe Lake and could also head North on the other side of the conduit. The 007 confirms the continuity of the mineralization of the hinges along their length as 007 is on the same hinge as the Cohiba and also the discovery of the Deep West Zone confirms continuation of the Hinges to depth as the Deep West is on the same hinge as the Hinge Mine. We probably have close to a million ounces in the near surface Hinge Mine at a depth of only 1100 feet. To get your depth multiply that by at least a factor of 4 or 5. Then multiply that by the number of hinges and then measure the horizontal length of the Hinge discovery and extend that over the full length of the hinge and you will get the picture. I am a dreamer and I like to think big, however anything is possible with this property.