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Message: SGR trading gains - UK tax

SGR trading gains - UK tax

posted on Jan 25, 2010 05:06AM

Apologies for slightly off-topic, but then it isn't, if one is a UK purchaser of SGR stock, one who also wishes to trade this favoured stock a little.

I recently bought some trading sgr at about 3.5, sold it at 3.8 and bought back at 3.4. To register a capital gain on a stock sale, 30 days must elapse before rebuying (to avoid the old 'bed and breakfasting' sale and repurchase at end of tax year, to take a gain). As my repurchase happened within the 30 days, it does seem I would not be allowed to claim this gain against my capital gains allowance for the year. But that would be great, because I'm back in at 3.4, and I'm not allowed to register the gain from 3.5 to 3.8, although it is a material gain. Anyone know how to deal with this, even in North America? I also hold SGR in my tax-free account.

I had noted last year that DOW 10,700 would be a 55% fib retracement. Havent a clue what to expect for gold etc these coming weeks, but I'm hoping for some upward pressure.

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