...i guess investing in junior mining is quite different then investing on a big blue chip. I look back the past few yrs and see how Sans share float has increased as new buyers have jump in and give the stock support. I guess Ned through his holdings has given San the most support to the point has the last say on Sans success and the return on his investment. I see Dale doing his job of finding through the drill to raise share holder value. I guess through drilling different levels of classification are reached as on a 43-101 a measured and indicated number is what the market pays for and alot of infill drilling is required to reach this number. I guess San has more flexability by staying on the Venture ex and with the backers help can prove up this elephant which in the long run will give shareholders a better return on their investment. I guess knowing how the mining industry operates and believing in the Greens is why my house sits on the Golden FairWay...Long On The Greens. Traps7