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Message: The Never Ending Conspiracy

The Never Ending Conspiracy

posted on Feb 28, 2010 03:38PM

This was written by Mathew Ingram for the Toronto Globe and Mail almost 8 years ago, June 24, 2002.

"So if there's a global effort to manipulate the price of gold to keep it low, why has gold been climbing higher for the past few months? Simple the conspiracy theorists say ( ref. to John Embry and GATA): the plot is finally coming apart at the seams, and as it unravels it will push the gold price even higher. The only problem with this arguement, as more than one observer has noted, is that it relies on the logical fallacy of circular reasoning, in which a lack of evidence is seen as further proof of a vast conspiracy...since a conspiracy would naturally suppress any evidence of its existence."

personal note: Imagine how puzzled all those guards at Fort Knox are who are being employed to guard nothing.

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